2020 has been a strange year. It started out with my father passing away from lymphoma. Then, in March, my mother-in-law passed away suddenly from (what we believe) was a stroke caused by dementia.
Not to be outdone, as we entered into April, the world was struck by this election year’s virus, Coronavirus. As that was winding down at the end of May/early June, we had a stupid cop kill a black man in Minneapolis.
The protests began. Not to be outdone by protests, people decided that rioting and looting would be a great idea.
Now, in June, some cities are talking about defunding the police. While the government is trying to remove our 2nd amendment rights. Seems like those two things are counter-intuitive. If we don’t have the police, we should be allowed, via the 2nd amendment, to keep and bear arms to protect ourselves.
Facebook has become a cess pool, where you aren’t able to voice your opinion without someone bitching that you are wrong.
Oh well. I’m off Facebook, except to post for my company, which I rarely do, but I do sometimes.
It’s ok 2020. I’m tired. I’m frustrated. We need to be allowed to get back to our lives. Enough is enough.